Financial support to institutions under the Ministry of Education
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through dynamic funding policies aimed at ensuring equitable provision of essential resources for all levels of education.
By Providing;
Financial support to institutions under the Ministry of Education
Supplementary funding to Scholarship Secretariat
Supporting Student Loan Trust Fund
Grants through NCTE for Faculty member training and research.
Infrastructure Intervention
The Increase in Enrolment Figures Necessitated the Investment in Education Infrastructure to Support the Free and Quality Education Agenda – The infrastructure gap widened following the increase in Secondary School enrolment numbers
Educational Materials & Supplies
In addtion to the inffrastrucuture intervention, additonal supplies and learning matrials where distributed to various schools (i,e Bunk Beds, Mattress, Techers’ Tables & Chairs, Common Room Chair, Mono Desk etc)
The Free Senior High School (Free SHS) education policy was a government initiative introduced in the 2017 September by the Nana Akufo-Addo Government.
The policy's core themes of access, equity and equality.
Government has given full effect to SDG 4.1 with the implementation of a Free SHS Policy. The programme, is anchored in the below pillars;
Introduction of the Free SHS Policy has Minimized the Cost Barriers to Secondary Education and Gives Full Effect to SDG4 – The increased enrolment numbers at the secondary level of education is evidence of uninhibited access to obtain secondary education and training
Provide financial support to supplement the successful implementation of the policy.
This meant rising to the challenge of responding to and supporting government's drive to expand school infrastructure particularly in the senior high schools following the introduction of the Double Track system in 2018, which was in itself an innovate response to the Free SHS policy that saw access to SHS education improve tremendously.
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